Posted on 2/24/2022

Distracted driving is the #1 cause of terrible and deadly automotive accidents worldwide. As soon as you take your eyes off the road or take at least one hand off the wheel, you are compromising your safety. Distracted driving may be hard to resist, but it is extremely dangerous for you and others on the road. To freshen up your knowledge, here are the top things that lead to distracted driving and how to avoid it. CELL PHONE Nothing can divert your attention more than a glowing, buzzing, and alerting phone. Because cell phones are such a big distraction, most states in the US have strict laws prohibiting texting and calling while driving. Furthermore, some places even prohibit having your phone in your vicinity at all. To ensure your cell doesn't distract you, put your phone on "Do Not Disturb" and out of your sight before hitting the road. Trust us - that text or social media notification can wait. CONTROLS Besides handheld tech, you may also be the type of person t ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2022

Automobiles, if healthy, should not make any apparent noises. Whenever it does make an unusual sound, most drivers notice it right away. However, it can be challenging for the average person to figure out what is causing the noise. You can make guesses or assumptions based on what sounds like and where the noise originates from. To keep you and your loved ones safe, you should learn to pick out these sounds and get the necessary repairs to get rid of them. Below are some strange vehicle sounds you should never overlook: High Pitched Screeching Screeching, scraping, and squealing when applying pressure to the brakes are apparent signs of old brake pads. You should immediately take your car in for brake service, or else your brakes could fail. Popping Sound from Exhaust Popping noises or a generally loud exhaust system is a sign of poor performance. The loud pops are usually due to exhaust leaks, primarily from the fuel injector. However, a more resounding roar may be due ... read more
Posted on 12/22/2021

During winter, the weather becomes snowy, and icy, increasing the likelihood of accidents. So, it is crucial to stock a few essentials in your car trunk to prepare for anything the winter weather will send on your way. 8 Things You Must Include in Your Trunk Portable phone charger Keep a phone charger or battery or the power bank in your car before heading out. If the car breaks down, or you engage in an accident, this will enable you to ask for help. Foldable shovel The collapsible shovel is a perfect item to keep in your car trunk because it collapses down, taking little space when you do not need it. The shovel will help you remove snow and get your car out of a snowbank. Ice scrapers Before heading out, ensure you have a scraper in your car trunk. These items will help you remove snow and ice from your car windows, so you can increase your visibility before hitting the road. Kitty litter or sand In icy and snowy driving weather, kitty litter or a sandbag are essential item ... read more
Posted on 11/29/2021

Air filters are an essential component of your car, SUV, or truck, and you should never disregard them. The air filter blocks dirt, debris, and other impurities from entering the engine chamber and helps provide pure airflow. You should replace your engine air filter every 15,000 to 30,000 miles on average. Your car engine relies upon its air filter to prevent dust and debris from disrupting the engine's processes. By providing clean airflow to the engine, an air filter ensures the engine gets the right amount of air when needed. Worn, dirty, or clogged air filters can cause your engine to perform unsuccessfully. For instance, you might notice that your car has less power or weaker acceleration if you haven't changed your engine air filter in a while. But how do you know when it's time to renew your engine air filter? A straightforward way to do it is to keep track of how long or how many miles you've driven since your previous filter change. If it's been more th ... read more
Posted on 10/26/2021

Most of us are tempted to throw everything in our backseats or trunk without even thinking, and before you know it, the junk starts to pile up collectively. Next thing you know, you are at the grocery store struggling to fit your grocery bags in. Though the careless habit may not be a problem at first, it can be pretty uncomfortable. An overcrowded car can also significantly lower your fuel efficiency. So please clean and out, throw out what you don't need, and organize the things that you do need. Here are some of our must-have organizational items that may help tidy up your car! Trunk Nets - Some trunks come equipped with a net or hooks to help with storing random items. If your car, SUV, or truck did not come with one of these nets, you're open to buying and installing one for your convenience. This will make sure certain items don't go sliding around your trunk when you hit those hard turns. Collapsible Bins - These flexible, fabric storage bins are easy to manage and ... read more